Laravel 8 Features Guide

Laravel officially released on 8th September 2020. We are excited about Laravel 8 Features. There’re few significant improvements done in Laravel 7.x and added to the Laravel 8 upgrade. It introduces Laravel Jetstream, Model Factory classes, Model Directory, Rate-limiting improvement, and lots of more. It’s necessary to know Laravel 6 versions before moving ahead with Laravel 8 features. Since the Laravel 6 framework can switch to semantic versioning, we've to understand its process. 

Note: Laravel 8 will provide six months bug and security fixes for this version. Additionally to this, the Laravel app development has worked on features that no longer have manually restart. Moreover, it's improved maintenance mode, new Bus: dispatch, an enormous refactor, and many more great features. 

Let’s dive straight to appear into what’s new in Laravel 8 Features 

New Landing Page 
The page built with TailwindCSS. It links to SaaS products from Laravel. It's a link to a brand new Laravel shop. The homepage is well-displayed on a fresh install with a significant facelift. 

Default App Directory 
Instead of leaving the model class within the root app directory, Laravel 8 will ship an app/model directory. Supported a poll created by Tylor, 80% of developers were building an app directory themselves. However, you'll keep the model in-app directory if you prefer and delete the new model directory. 

Route Caching Improvements
If you’re already using caching in your app, then this feature will generate PHP file with an array of routes. Laravel is using these routes as it’s faster than the route file you requested.

Controllers namespace removed the prefix.
If you’re using callable syntax in your web.php route file, then Laravel will double prefix your namespaces. It’s a property that removes so one can import controller classes easily from your route file.

Blade components Attributes
If you've got an extended the blade component in Laravel 7, then you wouldn’t have the $attributes child button. It's changed in Laravel 8 upgrade as it makes things easier to create and extend components.

Cleaner Syntax for closure supported event listeners
In the previous version, we've to define event class, register, and type-hint the event for the closure. Whereas now in Laravel 8, you’ll skip the event class because the framework would infer it from type hinted argument.

Queueable Anonymous Event Listeners 
With new Laravel 8 Features, we will now send a closure-based job to queue from the model event. Previously, it wasn’t possible unless you create an event class and event listener trait. The new upgrade will make the method quick and simple to use.

Maintenance Mode: Secret Access
In the previous version, to grant access to many people, you've got to do it via IP whitelisting. But this isn’t done dynamically. At an equivalent time, you’re changing IP address regularly. Now with Laravel 8, it’s possible because it used a secret flag while you set the site into maintenance mode.

Maintenance Mode: Pre-Render Pages
In Laravel 7, while you set your site into maintenance mode, it’ll run the composer as a part of deployment where the application will throw an error instead of maintenance page mode. It’s has solved in Laravel 8. Here, Laravel 8 will pre-render the view and put the site into maintenance mode. The framework won’t load the composer autoload file and no error. Isn’t it great!

Queued Closure Error Handling
It’s possible to send a closure to the queue for the background process. Handling the failure of the method wasn’t ideal within the past version. With Laravel 8, it can able to register a callback to run when a job has failed using catch() method.

Exponential Backoff for Job Failures
With Laravel 8, you'll add a backoff method to do your job done. It’ll return an array of integers which decide the wait time between job attempts just in case it fails.

Queued Job Batching 
It’s one among the powerful features of Laravel 8. It’ll dispatch multiple jobs to queue and process simultaneously. Mainly there are three callbacks available: then(), catch(), finally().

Enhanced Rate Limiting
Now we will define multiple rate limiters via the Ratelimiter façade. It gives name and closure which return the details of the limit. It allows 50 requests to login page across visitors.

Database Schema Dumping
It’s useful for enormous application migrations. It’s a brand new Laravel 8 feature that’ll run database schema and generate SQL enter a directory containing full schema for your database as raw SQL.

Brand New model factories 
The feature has rewritten for Laravel 8. It makes an incredibly powerful and easier feature to work with. Several improvements done in model factories will help to make custom methods right factory class itself. 

Laravel JetStream & Laravel Fortify 
It’s one among the vast additions that deserve this post. Laravel Jetstream gives a much bigger start in your applications. It comes with two-factor authentication, browser session management, API token management, user profile editing, delete functionality, JavaScript, etc. 

Laravel 8 will require PHP 7.3 or above supported upgrade. We, together of the global Laravel App development company, provide the best Laravel shift service or any custom based requirements. Hire Laravel developer, if you’re looking for innovative Laravel solutions.
