Full Stack Development: All that you simply got to Know

With time people have evolved themselves tons and adapted the recent technologies so quickly that they're keen to understand the insights about them. It's crucial to cherry-pick laudable developers irrespective of the mobile app you would like to get developed, uber like app development, food ordering app, etc.

Full Stack Developer has already become as one of the recent topics developers are talking about. It’s no wonder that there are dozens of online and in-person programs that help people to become a Full-Stack Developer. Let’s see how this title has empowered so many people around

Who is a Full Stack Developer?

To be precise, a full stack developer is one who is ready to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application.

What is Front-end?

Front-end is that a part of an application that the user will see or interact with.

What is Back-end?

The a part of the application that handles the database interactions, logic, user authentication, server configuration etc. shows the back end of any application.

What Full Stack comprises of?

Full-Stack is that the collection of a series of technologies needed to complete a project whereas the word “stack” means a group of sub-modules. And when these sub-modules combine together they form an excellent function.

Let’s hover onto the merits of being a Full Stack Developer:

The developer has a wide selection of data about frontend also as a backend so he/she can make a prototype design for a product very quickly. Therefore, a full stack developer has more valuable ideas towards the product design and are more sensitive towards techniques & products getting used within the project development.

If you see from another perception, a full stack developer provides help to everyone in the team & significantly reduces the technical cost of the team.

Ever wondered of becoming a full-stack developer?

The following are the highlights on the same –

1. Programming Languages:

Not just one but a bucket filled with languages is what a full stack developer needs to learn. As most of your business processes got to be written in languages like PHP, Java, C+, Python etc., you need to be proficient in multiple programming languages. The basic part lies not only in knowing these languages but also to be familiar with the structure, design, implementation, and testing of the entire project.
For example, if you're preparing a project in Java then you would like to master the object-oriented design & development design patterns, J2EE based components of the development and so on.

2. Front-end technology:

In most of the product development, front-end technologies play an important role. Apart from the features of the product, the UX is additionally one of the criteria to test the success of a product. Few of the front end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript are some of the expected to be known by a full stack developer.

3. Database and Cache:

The database plays an important role in any project development. If you're getting to become a full stack developer then you ought to have an in depth knowledge about one or two databases and should skills to interact with the database. Presently, the popular database is MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle and so on. If you're planning for larger projects, MySQL or commercial Oracle are the expected ones from a Full Stack developer as the back-end database. Whereas memory databases, Redis, are often used for caching to improve system performance.

4. Basic Design:

The design of any project or product plays a major role in the Full Stack development. The skill of basic prototype design, UI design, UX design are a number of the basic requirement a Full Stack Developer should have.
According to a few Full Stack Developer experts, it was known that becoming a Full Stack Developer overnight isn't at all possible. What one can do is to laydown the technical foundation, strengthen the core skills and keep learning for more.
